Break The Silence Campaign
We are working in Guinea and the U.S. to end FGM by empowering community members, especially young people.
Community Water and Sanitation Project
We provide poor and ultra-poor people access to clean water and latrines.
Sustainable Development and Entrepreneurship Program
We promote the economic independence of ultra-poor individuals, specifically women and children.
Better Schools Project
We provide access to quality education in order to increase the enrollment and retention of students, especially girls.
MAÏ Health For All Project
We donate medical supplies and equipments to hospitals in developing countries.
Soussi Small Business Project
We provide interest free business loans to entrepreneurs (especially women) in order to boost their income.
The Association of Women Tie-Dyers Project
We help women tie-dyers generate income by providing them with the tools, skills, and market they need.
School Grant Program
We promote the education of poor and ultra-poor children by working with parents, students and teachers.
Life Improvement Program
We promote health and sanitation in the poorest communities by mobilizing local resources.