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Cofounder Aissata M.B. Camara spoke today to a class focused on Justice in the Africana World with a focus on Gender Based Violence at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Read post 02.20.2019 by Patricia MarsI have a universal question: Do women's lives really matter? The answer to this question depends on where you are in the world. If you are in the Republic of Guinea, no, women’s lives do not matter. If you are the husband, child, or the family member of Salematou Camara, women’s lives do not matter. If you are Salematou Camara, your life really does not matter.
Read post 03.23.2015 by Aissata M.B. CamaraOn October 24th, 2014, There Is No Limit Foundation co-sponsored the first walk in NYC to fight against ebola in collaboration with the West African Ebola Task Team led by the United African Congress (UAC) and Give Them A Hand Foundation. Our Co-Founder and Executive Vice President, Aissata M.B. Camara message to the crowd of attendees was clear:"Ebola is a global problem that requires a global solution. Let's fight to end ebola so we can go back to promoting the security and dignity of people."
Read post 10.31.2014 by Patricia MarsIn the grand scheme of work, it’s easy to forget about your website and blog. Actually, these two big marketing tools can start to feel like an obligation. Creating content becomes a chore and you lose sight of the power these tools hold. So in December, we embarked on a long journey of creating a user friendly website and blog that represented our work and who we are at There Is No Limit Foundation.
Read post 10.29.2014 by Aissata M.B. Camara