In the grand scheme of work, it’s easy to forget about your website and blog. Actually, these two big marketing tools can start to feel like an obligation.
Creating content becomes a chore and you lose sight of the power these tools hold.
We consistently update our social network pages and keep you posted on our work through our website. But, this wasn’t enough for us. We wanted you to hear and see things from our lens. Most of all, we wanted you to hear our voice and to connect with us even more.
So in December, we embarked on a long journey of creating a user friendly website and blog that represented our work and who we are at There Is No Limit Foundation.
Yes, it was a lot of work but we are so proud of the product.
The new website is exactly what we envisioned. It’s a tool for us to share our work, insights, and impact. We love it because you can now interact with us more by helping us fundraise or by donating your time.
If you know us, you know that we like sharing stories and lessons learned. With the new blog you’re going to have access to reflection of our staff both at home and on the field. You’re going to read about what’s happening, what we’re learning, and where we’re going as an organization.
We’re also going to introduce you to amazing people we think you should know. This includes features on our staff, volunteers, ambassadors and persons of the month.
We hope you are as excited as we are about this. We can’t wait to share awesome contents with you. What used to be a chore is once again FUN.
Now the question is: Are you ready?