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    Samantha Greenspan

    Ambassador, New York City

    Samantha lives in New York City and graduated from Parsons, The New School University. She currently works  in the Accessories Department at Teen Vogue. Samantha was inspired and encouraged to give back from a young age and her passion is to bring clean water to poor communities.

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    Alice Beckett-Rumberger

    Ambassador, Pittsburg

    Alice is the proud mother of  seven children and a new grandmother.  A personal trainer with over 25 years of experience, she believes that health and education  are the cornerstones of a strong foundation and wants to improve the lives of women and children.  Alice is the owner of TheraFusia and a graduate of the University of Pittsburg, 

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    Melissa Rubin

    Ambassador, New York City

    Melissa has worked with us since 2008.  A graduate of HofStra University, her goal is to build wells across Africa and promote the economy through agriculture.  She was the President of Phi Eta Sigma at Hofstra and hosted numerous fundraiser on our behalf including a Bowl-A-Thon, Battle of the Bands and a Zumba-Thon. 

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    Hawa Ben Sakho

    Young Ambassador, New York City

    Hawa has composed music as a member of the New York Philharmonic Very Young Composers program and has played in various venues.  Hawa started working with us in 2008 and has spoken at the United Nations to end FGM/C. Hawa loves sports and currently plays on her school basketball team. Her goal is to make sure girls in developing counties have the same rights as her. Hawa lives in New York City with her mother and twin brother Mohamed Mounir Sakho. 


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    Mohamed Mounir Sakho

    Young Ambassador, New York City

    An avid skateboarder and lover of music, Mounir has worked with us since 2008. He is very passionate about empowering children in developing countries and has spoken at the United Nations to end FGM/C. Mounir also loves singing and is working on launching his clothing business. He has participated in various walks to end diabetes and  breast cancer. Mounir lives in New York City with his mother and twin sister Hawa Ben Sakho.